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02.15.10 - 11:56 PM

you micks
are everywhere
get your irish eyes
out of my fucking face.
and wheres the gold you promised me
when you lifted up my skirt
when you said,
"dont you love rainbows?"

you micks
are breaking my heart
take the whiskey you burned me with
and get out of my fucking room.
when you wished me across ocean and glen and dale,
when you wished for a love for all time. or at least til dawn.
when you said,
"i wish you were here right now."

you micks
better watch your mouth
because im not playing nice this time
get your hands
off my fucking waist
stop trying
to be divine.
when youve got a cross to bear
when you know you will not be absolved
when you said,
"call it luck."

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